Tuesday, August 24, 2010

How can I secure a Data CD so that I can distribute it and control who gets it?

In other words, so that it can't be copied. Recipients would have to request a copy from me. This is not a commercial venture. I'd prefer free or low cost software, if available. Thanks.How can I secure a Data CD so that I can distribute it and control who gets it?
I bought the Media Now Suite...which contains Cyberlink Power2Go....this has an option to create a secure CD.....it encrypts the files to prevent copying and requires a password for browsing it.

Hopefully it helpsHow can I secure a Data CD so that I can distribute it and control who gets it?
lol if the RIAA and Microsoft don't have that technology what makes you think you can get it? There might be something out there that does it but anyone smarter than the average grandma is gonna be able to get around it.

I would like to know what the ';coil pack'; on a 2002 Saturn controls. What sensors does it control?

We had the oil changed and a few days later started having problems with the engine missing out. Took it to the shop and found out that there was oil all over the ';coil pack';. Cost $150.00 to have it cleaned up and we're having other problems (radiator light comes on, still missing out, bad gas milage, etc.). The place that changed the oil will pay to replace the coil pack if we can prove that it's the problem. Help!!!I would like to know what the ';coil pack'; on a 2002 Saturn controls. What sensors does it control?
The coil Pack is for the ignition. Your spark plug wires are connected to it. If for some reason the oil shorted the coil pack, that would cause a miss in the ignition. Use a DVOM to check the coil pack if you know how. If not, Check each spark plug wire to see if it's firing. If it's not, the coil pack is probably bad. Also check the plugs.

A miss will cause bad gas mileage.

The radiator light has nothing to do with your other problem.

It means that the coolant is low. If it's not low, check to see if the sensor is hooked up. To check the sensor, simply unplug it and see if the light goes out. If it does, the sensor is bad.

Hope this helps . Master tech 40 yrs.I would like to know what the ';coil pack'; on a 2002 Saturn controls. What sensors does it control?
The coil or coil pack(s) provide energy to the spark plugs. $150.00 to 'clean'? This sounds like a very excessive clean-up cost, more likley this is replacement cost for the unit. Contamination of the unit with oil could possibly short it out, causing misfires and poor fuel mileage. The packs can be tested at a mechanical shop for optimum electrical output.
Well the coil pack controls the coils anf tells what coil to fire and when. It in itself doesent controll any senser the sensers control the coil pack.

Things like the crank shaft senser tell the coil pack where the piston is and when it should fire the spark plug.

If the place that filled the oil got oil all over the coil pack, it will cause the coil to short out and not fire the plug at the right time.

My advice to you is make them pay for a new coil pack regardless, If thy spilled oil all over it, cleaning it will not help.

It is clear to me that thy got oil all over the pack and now are trying to wiggle out of paying for there mistake.
sounds like the oil is shorting it out the coil pack controls just about every thing when it goes out it will even shut down the fuel pump
  • matte lipstick
  • Asthma problems need help to control it please?

    Does anyone have tips on how to control my asthma problems. I got a pump from the doctor to help but i can only use it a few times a day.

    Any help on what to do or what to drink to control it?

    And what exercises can i do to make my lungs stronger?Asthma problems need help to control it please?
    A ';Pump'; do you mean a nebulizer for the breathing treatment ? if so that's a start. You should go on it about three to four times a day. Or, whenever you have an attack.

    Other than this, you just can't be careful enough with this. Do you have an eppe pen ? (Epinephrine) for an emergency. If not get one.Asthma problems need help to control it please?
    As a former asthma sufferer, I personally felt medication is the worst ';solution'; to handle this problem. It may have offered and be good for emergency situations, but it's a terrible idea to use it with dependency.

    The answer is in natural care.

    Start with the basics - change your diet. Stay away from fried, processed, or refined foods and drinks. On the same note, try not to fry foods in your home, and (obviously) stay away from cigarettes and smokers.

    With this you're looking to drastically improve your indoor air quality. To maximize the type of air you're breathing, invest in a good air purifier. Look for air purifiers with both HEPA and Activated Carbon filters for advanced particulate control.

    You should also spend some time a couple times a week in a clean sauna environment, and while there focus on deep breathing.

    I did all this and within a year I was meds and inhaler free.

    However, once you reach this level you have to make sure you maintain it, so while you can go back to your favorite foods, you still have to make sure that you're breathing the best air possible.

    In addition to that


    Asthma is a serious medical condition and all your questions need to be directed to your doctor not people on the Internet. If your doctor doesn't want to take the time to answer your questions, find another doctor.

    To make the appointment go easier, write down all your questions before hand and take them with you. Leave space to take notes on the answers so you can refer to them later.
    Maybe you should direct these questions at a trained professional.

    Those who has asthma don't necessarily use the same control methods so our answers to you are useless.

    Please visit your local GP.
    You really need to talk to your doctor about this. There are several medications available to help prevent asthmatic attacks. Also, you need to carefully discuss when to use your nebulizer and rescue inhaler because overusing them can cause other, serious problems. This is really NOT the place to get information like this. Everyone is different and needs care specific to their situation.
    all i have to do is control my asthma triggers.

    what are your triggers??

    check out this site, it can help you with whatever triggers you asthma attacks

    KI I understand is energy that is in everything I just wont to know how to control it better can anyone help?

    healing, defending, attackingKI I understand is energy that is in everything I just wont to know how to control it better can anyone help?
    You opened a can of worms here. Many don't believe that it exist. Those that do may spend many years and only be able to control it a little and only some of the time.KI I understand is energy that is in everything I just wont to know how to control it better can anyone help?
    your KI, is your central spirit and energy. You cannot control you KI until you can control yourself, that means meditation. I don't mean the hollywood meditation where you travel to a distant land to talk to some dead Martial Arts master, you need to sit yourself down, in a quite, private place, and focus all thoughts on your inner strength. Think of it like a light, that during a normal day of running around has a hand over it. You need to go, and remove the hand by pushing all other thoughts out of your body. The light should then fill your body and mind. KI is all about centering yourself, keeping your mind, body and spirit in a state of equilibrium. HAving a strong KI allows your body to react to an attack faster, focusing your energy on a punch or kick for a devastating blow and to allow your body to focus on healing yourself and nothing else.

    It takes alot of time and patience.

    I been having visions 2 months in the future how do i control it to come at will?

    i can see what happens to me in the future i want to control it an see whats happens to other people?I been having visions 2 months in the future how do i control it to come at will?
    uhm.. personally idt anyone here would have an answer that would really solve your problem, because most people dont have experience with your situation. i think you should talk to a trusted ADULT about this situation and go from there. parents or guardians would be the best choice. best of luckk!I been having visions 2 months in the future how do i control it to come at will?
    de ja vous didnt you ask this a couple of months ago???
    awesome question, thanks for the points and the laughs
    bull sh**
    go to church...and idk maybe focus on what you want to happen when you are experiencing your 'visions'.
    well how do you know its 2 months in the future and trust me dude this isnt final destinination
    what the hell does this have to do with dating?

    I suspect that my comp was hacked and someone has control over it. How can I tell for sure?

    dell XPS 400 not even a month old yet. and the dang thing acts up from time to time.IP add doesn't update and the curser doesn't respond correctly a lot of the time.I suspect that my comp was hacked and someone has control over it. How can I tell for sure?
    If you have updated AV, Anti-Spyware, etc and dont have risky surfin' habits you are probably OK. If you surf dangerous sites you might be in trouble.

    Because it is a new machine, especially an XPS, get ALL the newest drivers, especially your network drivers and video card drivers. Many drivers that ship with new machines can be flaky. If this does not cure your issues, you might be hacked.I suspect that my comp was hacked and someone has control over it. How can I tell for sure?
    1. Scan for virus and remove (free online scan) with BitDefender


    2. Scan for trojans and remove (free online scan) with Ewido


    3. Scan for ad/spyware and remove (free download) with Spybot Search %26amp; Destroy

    it will say gotcha!
    If you have a firewall setup they usually have a log you can look through!

    If ya need more help e-mail me at porschebk85@fastmail.fm
    I go for ';Panda Software'; first rather than any other sites because on line automatic scans:


    Hacking Tools,


    Security risks,

    Decects spyware,

    Disinfects and eliminates over 110,000 viruses,

    Worms and Trojans.

    Must have site I would add to your favorites list ';On line scans';.

    KI I understand is energy that is in everything I just wont to know how to control it better can anyone help?

    healing, defending, attackingKI I understand is energy that is in everything I just wont to know how to control it better can anyone help?
    You opened a can of worms here. Many don't believe that it exist. Those that do may spend many years and only be able to control it a little and only some of the time.KI I understand is energy that is in everything I just wont to know how to control it better can anyone help?
    your KI, is your central spirit and energy. You cannot control you KI until you can control yourself, that means meditation. I don't mean the hollywood meditation where you travel to a distant land to talk to some dead Martial Arts master, you need to sit yourself down, in a quite, private place, and focus all thoughts on your inner strength. Think of it like a light, that during a normal day of running around has a hand over it. You need to go, and remove the hand by pushing all other thoughts out of your body. The light should then fill your body and mind. KI is all about centering yourself, keeping your mind, body and spirit in a state of equilibrium. HAving a strong KI allows your body to react to an attack faster, focusing your energy on a punch or kick for a devastating blow and to allow your body to focus on healing yourself and nothing else.

    It takes alot of time and patience.