Tuesday, August 24, 2010

High blood pressure medication. Does it control your high blood pressure at all times or are there still?

times when your blood pressure will rise to dangerous levels.High blood pressure medication. Does it control your high blood pressure at all times or are there still?
It all depends on YOU! If you listen to your doctor and follow his instructions as to diet and take the medicine he prescribes. You should be okay. It also depends on how healthy you are in general. You could have other factors that could elevate your BP.

I was born with a kidney disease which caused my hypertension. I take three BP medications to control it.

Even when you are doing everything right, you will have times when it will elevate .... when you eat out, if you get angry, when you get sick, there are many factors that can cause your BP to rise. But you are mostly in control of it.

You may even find out that you can control it with your diet ... that is the ideal way. First off get rid of the salt shaker. McCormick and Mrs. Dash make some excellent NO SALT spices. Learn to cook with spices instead of using salt. Stay away from prepackaged ';fast food'; at the grocery store, stop using canned goods .. get fresh or frozen, avoid eating out as much as possible. The biggest thing ... get in the habit of reading labels it could save your life. I gave you the name of an invaluable book to get with another question you asked.High blood pressure medication. Does it control your high blood pressure at all times or are there still?
Blood pressure is a dynamic thing. It changes throughout the day. Typically, it is lowest in the morning (hence the advice that blood work and BP readings should be done in the morning).

Caffeine can spike BP, as can certain foods, stress, anger, trauma, etc. Other things can lower BP in the same fashion.

If you're on meds, you should not be able to get your BP up to dangerous levels, unless of a severe trauma. Finding the right meds is also tricky as your doctor with have to experiment to find the right med for your particular body.

If you're currently taking meds, and get a really high reading, you should report that to your doc right away as they need to adjust your meds.

Welcome to the hypertension club.
I am on 2 blood pressure medications.

Norvasc is one and what it does is dilates the blood vessels so that the blood can circulate without pressure. With this medication I am protected for 24 hours.

Atenolol is another, and what that does is relax the blood vessels and slow down you heart beat and relaxes you.

You will feel so much better once your blood pressure is under control. With me it took 6 months to bring it down. You need to have the right medicine for you, and sometimes you need a combination.

I hope you feel better.
Sometimes certain food may raise your blood pressure. Becoming angry or upset in some way may raise it as well. I have had a blood pressure reading that was so high that a home visiting nurse was ready to call an ambulance because she told me that I could have a stroke. I had to take a 2nd medication in front of her and after 15 minutes she retook it and it was still high but she let me stay home. I had been upset a couple of hours earlier. I had calmed down or so I thought.
For me my usual dose keeps it in control unless I get very upset over something then it will go up but not to what it was when I had a stroke.Then if I need it I can take a second pill to bring it down but only after I told my Dr. about it.She told me to do that,take the second pill.On the whole mine stays pretty normal now.
I had to have my medicine changed to a higher level twice and I still get upset at times.
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